In planning for retirement our first objective should be to “get real”. Many of us are just not all that prepared to replace our working income in a comfortable retirement. It’s kind of like losing weight, we know what we need to do to get there, and we just don’t have the discipline and focus to achieve our goal. According the Employee Benefit Research Institute:

“…. Workers who say they are very confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement this year hit the lowest level in 2009 (13 percent) since the Retirement Confidence Survey started asking the question in 1993, continuing a two year decline. Retirees also posted a new low in confidence about having a financially secure retirement, with only 20 percent now saying they are very confident (down from 41 percent in 2007).”

Well, good news!!! That’s what we do here at Clearview Investment Partners, LLC. Try the calculator below to see how you stack up, and then give us a call so we can talk.



Retirement Calculator


Annual Income (average over last 5 years)

Number of college educated children

Number of non-college educated children

Value of primary residence

Mortgage on primary residence

Estimated Net Worth Exclusive of Primary Residence:
Estimate of Remaining Mortgage on Primary Residence:
Remaining Mortgage on Primary Residence

Estimated Net Worth after adj. for leverage in Primary Residence: